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TV Drama 2 TV Drama Draft Writing Workshop

Online Nov 12, Nov 19, Dec 3, Dec 10, Jan 7, Jan 14, Jan 21, Jan 28, Feb 4, Feb 11 (10 Tuesday Evenings)6:00pm - 9:00pm Pacific$11401 Spot Left

4 Spots Left

You have a killer beat sheet for your TV Pilot, but when you sit down to write, everything turns to mush: vague characters, huge data dumps, clunky dialogue, and scenes that go nowhere. If this sounds familiar, successful writer Nina Fiore (Co-Ep, The Handmaid’s Tale, 4 Pilots) can help. In this ten-week Online TV Draft Writing Workshop, you’ll get Nina’s help crafting an amazing outline and writing scenes that have a complete beginning, middle, and end that pack a serious punch.

You’ll learn to how to open your pilot, capture the imagination of the reader, write with a clear voice, and introduce your main character like a pro. By the end of the class you should have major chunks of your pilot written and the confidence to finish it with flair. Emmy not included.

Prerequisites: Beat sheet of TV Drama, or Dramedy finished in TV Drama I TV Pilot or TV Basic writing class at Writing Pad.

Nina Fiore

(Co-EP, The Handmaid’s Tale, 4 pilots)

Nina Fiore is an Emmy-nominated writer and Co-EP on Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale (all seasons) where she collaborates with writing partner, John Herrera. Nina and John wrote on Bloom, a new show for Netflix that will be coming soon. She and John have also worked on USA’s The Purge, Syfy’s Nightflyers, Blood Drive, Alphas, and Eureka. Additionally, Nina and John have sold their pilots Players and Dante’s Inferno (the latter co-written with Ethan Reiff & Cyrus Voris) to CW and Freeform, respectively, and an adaptation of Melissa Lenhardt’s genre-bending, feminist western novel, Heresy, with MGM. Nina also co-wrote the movie Nancy Drew and The Hidden Staircase for Warner Brothers and is currently adapting a true-life feature story about the latter days of the Bosnian-Serb conflict of the 1990’s. Before becoming a TV writer, Nina was a script coordinator and writer’s assistant on Eureka, Sleeper Cell, The L Word. Born in the Bronx to a Puerto Rican mother and a Sicilian father, Nina spent most of her formative years surrounded by an excess of personality. MORE