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Memoir 1 Memorable Memoir Workshop

Online Oct 26, Nov 2, Nov 9, Nov 16, Dec 7 (5 Saturday Mornings)10:00am - 1:00pm Pacific$4751 Spot Left

4 Spots Left

Have you ever thought about turning your life’s trials and tribulations into a NY Times bestseller? In this five-week Online Memoir Writing Workshop, Erika Schickel (2 Memoirs, LA Times) will share her secrets for turning your life’s twists and turns into lively drama! Her fun, all new in-class exercises will help you infuse your most fascinating memories with authenticity and personality. She’ll cover crucial topics such as how to craft a compelling emotional journey for your main character, digging deep, and writing with vivid, compelling detail.

erika schickel memoirBy the end of the class, you’ll have written a stack of moving scenes and have blended imagination with history to craft a draft of a memoir piece that is uniquely yours! Plus, you can bring in up to 1200 words every other class for feedback. Experienced and beginning writers welcome.

37 students have published books after taking class!

Note: If you have never taken a Memoir writing class before, we strongly recommend you take Memoir 101 in addition to this class.

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Erika Schickel

2 Memoirs, LA Times

Erika Schickel is the author of The Big Hurt (Hachette Books, 2021) and You’re Not the Boss of Me: Adventures of a Modern Mom (Kensington Books, 2007). Her reviews, opinions and reporting have appeared in The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Tin House, Salon, the LA Weekly, Bust Magazine and elsewhere. She has taught memoir and essay. MORE