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Book Proposal 1 An Online Book Proposal Class

Online Aug 7, Aug 14, Aug 21, Aug 28, Sep 4, Sep 11, Sep 18 (7 Wednesday Afternoons)5:00pm - 7:00pm Pacific$485

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Working on a gripping memoir, nonfiction book, or novel but have no clue how to land an agent or contract? Thea Diklich-Newell, an assistant editor at Little, Brown (a division of Hachette Book Group) can help make your dream of publishing your book a reality! In this seven-week Online Book Proposal Class, she’ll help you present and shape your book so it’s the project that everyone wants to buy. Through interesting craft lectures and targeted feedback, Thea will help you create a pitch perfect overview and an annotated outline that serves as a clear road map for your book. She’ll also help you design a marketing section that zeroes in on your audience, the need for your book, and sells you as the ideal person to write it.

Hachette Book GroupYou’ll get writing advice and assistance in selecting your sample chapters. Thea will take her insights into the New York publishing world and help you hammer out a terrific book proposal that represents your book in the best light! By the end of this online book publishing workshop, you walk away with a full draft of a proposal and a plan of attack.

37 students have published books after taking class!

Thea Diklich-Newell

Penguin Random House Editor

Thea is currently an editor Editor at Ten Speed Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House, where she works on a wide range of fiction and nonfiction titles. Before that, she was an assistant editor at the Little, Brown imprint of Hachette Book group, where she edited multiple New York Times bestselling and award-winning titles from Pete Souza, Sarah Knight, Wally Koval and forthcoming titles from Sam Heughan, Brian Merchant, The Johnny Cash Estate, and Paul Newman's daughter. She also works as an editorial and publishing consultant for a broad range of titles, particularly in the upmarket women's literature, genre fiction, and health & wellness spheres. She received her BA from Boston University and holds a Master's in French Language & Literature from Boston College. MORE